You know how they say at the end you see  a bright light flash? Well, over the past two weeks I’ve seen lots of light flashes. And these flashes changed my life entirely…

Welcome back to the blog guys. If you are new here, hi! My name is Sharon, I write sincerely and today I’m sharing some lessons. Do well to read and enjoy…

Well, these last 15days have been immensely hard for me! I’ve never been so sick and helpless in my life! And scared too. From seeing 3doctors, being misdiagnosed, being on countless medications and feeling shitty every single moment, it was hell for me. Then I also had close friends who lost loved ones within these two weeks, and death became a dread for me. It wasn’t just about my physical illness, but my mental health deteriorated too, and amidst the situation I’m sharing major things that came to perspective for me

1. Life is short, Live it

I have always heard this and acknowledged it but never like this. Countless of times, I’ve woken up in the middle of the night in pain and wondering if I ever was going to wake up the next day. And each day I woke up, it was another opportunity for me to live a better life. This made a huge difference! You start to mature automatically: in your mentality, your attitude and life in general.

And for each second that passes, it reminded me that I was created for a purpose, and until that purpose is completed, I cannot check out. 

2. Fear and Worry complicates the Problem:

I will confess to you that there were days I was filled with so much fear that I can’t breathe. Days like that, I hid away from my family and choke my sobs with my blanket. And Hiding cost me a lot, It made me emotionally detached from my relationship (for reasons I don’t even know), I lost all physical and mental motivation to life and beyond it all, I lost my passion and the ability in believing in myself. Because that’s what worry and fear does to you, it cripples your mind and makes you doubt your faith. I would state that even though these days were very dark, I’m not entirely ashamed of it, because in that darkness I found the need for a supreme light. It was at the point zero of my life that lots of things came to perspective for me. Who am I? What Is my purpose of being created? What is life? And what can I do about life?

These questions sound as deep as they really should. It makes you realize that there’s a bigger picture you are part of, a picture bigger than the temporary pleasure you get from vain materials. And does that mean I’ve  turned into a hippie and walk barefooted now? Well, I wish! As I write this post I’m sitting outside with my dad with a BEAUTIFUL scenery, living life and with plans of hanging out with friends later. Thing is, I’m still living but paying more attention and taking nothing for granted anymore.

3. Gratitude attracts Miracles

One of the life changing lesson I took away from my difficult time was gratitude. I became Grateful for every single person and situation around me. The way my family rallied around me, gave me hope and took care of me; I thank God every second for that! I also thank God for God himself; for having the opportunity to Have him with me. I thank God for Life, health, blessing, myself and every single thing. The truth is, every single day comes with its brand new blessing; and if you can pay more attention to those, then ye shall learn to be grateful. And as gratitude attracts more blessings, it brought me my own Miracle.

Here I am also saying I’m grateful for you reading this rightnow. Thank

4. Feed your mind positively

Whether it be positive or negative, you have the choice to feed it accordingly. Which means, you are in charge of how you end up feeling. Through my hard days when I started feeling ‘fear’ and needed a close friend to talk to, I had NO one available at that moment and it brought so much negativity in me. Because the people I wanted to talk with weren’t available, I felt alone. But then something hit me, I’ve been having more than a couple missed calls everyday from this one particular person who relentlessly check up on me by hours daily; freaking out at bad news with me and praying for me. However, because I had my expectations on other people, I was ignoring the blessing of this ONE friend who is literally through the darkness with me. I was feeding myself with so much negativity over the fact that my close friends didn’t check up on me, instead of accepting the positive immense love from this true human. The moment I let go of the disappointment and expectations, a new vibe filled me up. A positive vibe that started healing my physical body.

Listen, Giving other people power over you only makes you vulnerable to their fuckups. Today, I’m a healthier human being because of what I decided to let into my mind.

5. Spirit/Soul over Body

I think know I’m a different person to last two weeks because of how more invested I became on my spirituality. Thinking of death makes you wonder what is next? Where to next? Accordingly to my faith, there were times I wavered, but even when I don’t remember I laid down everything to God on my knees. Building my relationship with Him and turning everything to him, because I knew no man can give me what he gives me. Learning to heal my soul through faith healed my Body.

As Christians, we are not exempted from bad things happening to us, but how we react towards it is up to us. Do we get angry and blame God? Or do we let the situation drive us closer to him; foster our relationship deeper. With so much pride I would say I have a closer relationship with my God and I have a peace I’ve never had before.

What it taught me

-How to live fully

-Understanding my relationship with God

-How to be a better friend

-What I want in life

– And, Not everyone would show up during your dark days, but there’s always going to be someone that will. Don’t give up!

And that’s it for me guys. I am beyond sorry that I left for so long and I hope you understand why from the post. I want to say thank you to every single person reading… I see you even when you don’t engage with the post, thank you, thank you!!

However, you can drop your comments below and let’s discuss, it’s been long!!b8ba5-1dv10c6fsou_idzsubuq5ja

Love you beyond and above.


Sincerely, Sharon.

11 responses to “How Nearly Dying Saved my Life”

  1. Suz Avatar

    Wow. This was a READ 🙂

  2.  Avatar

    I have so many things to say on this post but I’m just glad you are okay. The power of positivity has a large influence on our body because of the law of attractionGiving out what comes back to us
    When I was sick some years back it became apparent to me after my doc told said my body was okay but my mind was stopping it from being whole. Glad you are okay, miss Sharon

    1. Sharon Peters Avatar

      Thank you ♥ And yes, one time I realised the more sick I think I am, the worse I actually felt!!!! Thanks for the comment

  3. praiseelblog Avatar

    I am sooo glad you are fine now…Sorry I was moth there for you …I was not aware .

    1. Sharon Peters Avatar

      Awwww!!! My love, thank you so much and love you 😘

    2. Sharon Peters Avatar

      ….and you’ve been there when I needed you before. You never fail me my friend♥

  4. Ruthy Avatar

    Shaaaa, I kept wondering where you were and you never picked my calls. This post was deep and am always proud of how you can turn bad scenarios to beautiful posts we can learn from/ Always proud of you babygirl

    1. Sharon Peters Avatar

      I love you!!!!!!! Thanks baby girl

  5. twentyfivesingle Avatar

    I hope you are healthier now. Nice post dear

    1. Sharon Peters Avatar

      All praise be to God, I am well!! Thanks for the read, b!!!

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